Turkey burger recipe-Grilled Turkey burgers recipe-Turkey burgers soy sauce-Turkey burger patties

Turkey burger recipe
Turkey Burgers are normally dry and flavorless.Find out how to make Turkey Burger using our easy to make Turkey Burger recipes.You can make a delicious burger, just like the one available at popular fast-food joints.
Here is the recipe to make Turkey Burger
  1. Minced turkey breast-1pound
  2. Myonnaie -1/2cup
  3. Curry powder-2tbsp
  4. Feta cheese-1/4 cup
  5. Basil leaves
  6. Tomato(crumbled)
  7. Hamburger buns
  8. Sliced red onion
  9. Lettuce leaves
  10. Feta cheese 

  • Mix well the ingredients from 1 to 6.
  • Make the patties and grill it for 12 minutes per side.
  • Place remaining curry powder,myonnaise,lettuce leaves,feta cheese,red onion and patties inside the bun.
  • Serve it hot and enjoy.
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